Monday, October 04, 2004

the test

If your child were to die right now would you:

A) Curse God and wonder why He would allow this to happen
B) Cry "Why Me" and fall into depression
C) Miss them dearly, yet rejoice that they are in heaven
D) Pray in faith that they be raised from the dead

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I would immediately respond. In the presence of tired doctors, and in the presence of mournful family who are skeptical of the power of God and in the presence of my child's mother, would I be so filled with righteous anger as to bend over my child and pray the word with authority over his body however long it took? Would I pray over the objections and passionate chastisement of other family that I love?

I hope I would have the courage to ask that any who would have faith to stand and pray with me until the power of God restored life to my child's body.

What the Lord has given me, I have an accountable duty to not give away to the devices of the enemy.