Friday, June 10, 2005

Only Human

Too often I hear believers say "Well, I'm only human."

If that is what you believe, then all you will ever get is human results.

The statement "I'm only human" is not true for a disciple of Jesus. You are no longer "only human". The bible says you are a new creature. If you have accepted Christ as savior, then you are born again in the spirit and one-third of you is "wall to wall" Holy Spirit.

If all you look at is in the natural, then all you will see is natural results.

Let God be true and every man a liar. Choose to believe God's Word and walk in the Spirit. Walk by faith and not by sight.


Anonymous said...

There is at least one good thing about those who excuse their actions with, "I'm only human."

They have admitted their need for a savior, and have implied that God exists and is perfect, which is something not everyone is willing to admit in their heart.

john said...

Absolutely. If a person is not a believer in salvation through Jesus, then all they have is thier fallen nature and ability. Though, they are still without excuse, because God has made salvation freely available to them through His grace.

It is good to realize that it is not our own power, ability, anything we do, or earn. Our participation is to make a choice and then act on faith in God's Word.

Only after a person accepts Jesus as Savior are they able to recieve the Holy Spirit and have access to the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead. The believer then has no excuse if they choose not to take advantage of what God has given to them.