Thursday, November 30, 2006

notes on homeschooling

- time with kids
- time as kids
- learn skills from a variety of ages instead of from a gang of 60 children of the same age
- learn to communication with people of different ages and backgrounds
- development of relationships is more important than accumulation of information or wealth (can't take wealth with you, but relationships you build can literally last for eternity)
- closer, stronger family
- development of traditions
- exposure in a controlled environment to inoculate against destructive thinking
- Biblical world view
- love of learning
- learn to reason and think critically
- desire to learn
- learn how to form own opinion
- create ability/desire to research for oneself
- keep challenged
- spend extra time on difficult areas
- content and quality control
- learn "why" of history, instead of focus on who, where, when
- more options, variety, broad spectrum
- one on one
- individualized instruction

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