Wednesday, December 06, 2006


There is a widespread belief that 'balance' means mixing a little bad in with the good. There are religions, philosophies, and even doctrines taught in some Christian circles that teach everything good is balanced by something evil. Light is balanced by dark, yin-yang, and so forth.

According to the Bible, God created everything, and everything He created was Good. Evil was introduced later through the rebellion of satan and man. Evil is not an agent of balance, but a disease, a blemish, an abberation, an agent of rebellion.

God intended that Love provide the balance and bridge between His goodness and our badness.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I hate that word in Christian circles. Here is a good working definition of balance: "human-imposed restrictions based on fear of freedom"

Jesus didn't seem too concerned about balance when He invited whores and thieves to eat with Him. Was He off balance when He rebuked the disciples after they worked as hard as they could to keep the boat afloat in the storm? Was He off balance to expect a small boy's lunch to feed 5,000 people? No, it must have been when He said to give to anyone who asks, and ask it not again. Or when He said to invite the cripples and the poor to dinner because they can't pay you back.

If balance means following a mortal standard, then why call it balance? Just call it what it is, a manmade list of rules that you can't stray too far from. Just don't expect me to trade my liberty for it