Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Between all the movies, songs, culture, and pop stars, everyone is convinced that there is some special "soul mate" out there somewhere that will fill all the empty spots in their lives and that it is impossible to be happy without them.

All the songs sing about "i just can't live without you"and all that rot.

The truth is, a relationship cannot be based on need.

If you find yourself saying "I need this person to be happy", that is not love, it is co-dependency.

A relationship has to be based on what we can give into it

If both people are expecting the other person to make them happy, then they are both taking from the relationship and constantly tearing it down.

A relationship can only be built when both people are giving something into it.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Even in those times when both partners are not giving, but are expecting to take, I have found it to be an immensely wonderful advantage to have built a relationship on top of the Rock that is Christ.

I have noticed that anytime two objects move toward a common object, that those two objects become closer and closer to each other.

A relationship founded in Christ will find itself in such manner. When the unalterable word of God is acknowledged as a source greater than the opinions of either partner, then both partners can approach it and be reminded of the love and forgiveness which was made available to all, regardless of their oppositions and differences. They can come together in prayer, in which the grace and mercy of God can transcend the limits of the flesh and the great Peacemaker can restore even the hardest of hearts.