Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Placebo Prayer

So many people see prayer as something you do just to make yourself feel better.

The bible does not teach this.

The bible teaches to pray:

1. based on knowledge of God's Word
2. with confident expectation of an answer
3. effectual and fervent
4. pray in the spirit and in understanding

You should pray expecting results.


john said...

Howdy baja,

Perhaps one bit of good news is that there is nothing special about me, so any fruit in my life (and more) is available to anyone.

I'm married, have two kiddos, I have a full time job for the government and also do web development contracting on the side. Similar to you (according to your blog) I'm also working on finishing a Master's degree. Additionally, I've made plenty of poor choices -- and while I've been delivered of a lot of bad stuff, I have by no means "arrived".

Probably the biggest difference in my life was (after reaching a particularly low point due to illness, financial difficulty, depression, etc) I found that all my previous self-righteous attempts at controlling my behavior were not getting me anywhere.

I began asking God to plant a desire for more of Him in my heart -- mostly due to the scripture "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart".

That was the start. I find that as time goes on and the more I learn about God and His grace, the more I want to learn. It is at the point now that I spend all of any idle or in-between time reading, listening, thinking, praying or singing about God.

Instead of focusing on bad habits and how guilty I was about them, now a growing love for God and a desire to love others leaves me little time to dwell on selfish interests. Best of all, I don't miss them a bit.

Now every once in a while the old flesh tries to rise up and cry out for attention, but at least now (where once I was a slave to the flesh) I now have a choice because of what Jesus has done.

That I think was the start.

Since then, and on an ongoing basis, I've been learning to look at things the way God looks at them and it has been so refreshing and liberating I don't want to ever go back.

Luke 12:2; John 14:26; 1Cor 2:9-10; Eph 1:17-19

john said...

Here are some of the ministries that have really helped me:
